18 octobre 2024

World Of Spelldragon

Le Monde de Spelldragon

Feng Suave – People Wither

Un groupe récent qui a commencé à percer grâce à des vidéos sur Internet en 2017.
Ils sont originaires des Pays-Bas et produisent un son génial.
C’est enivrant, relaxant et très très plaisant.

Les paroles :

Come, get up, they say itʼs morning
And if youʼre not the one itʼs dawning for
There hasnʼt ever been a day more opportune
To sit out than this one
Just let the sun pour in through the window for no one

‘Cause I
I know how you feel

“Things happen for a reason”
Is what weʼre always told
For a moment I believed it
But now itʼs getting old
If your dreams are taking beatings Iʼll join you on the floor
You had best believe that

Nobody owes you closure
How I wish someone had told me that
Everywhere you go is where you are
There you are
And all you bring is all that youʼre running from
And I

I know how it feels

“Things happen for a reason”
Is what weʼre always told
For a moment I believed it
But now itʼs getting old
If your dreams are taking beatings
Iʼll join you on the floor
I know all your present feelings are gonna see you off

Itʼll be okay
All people wither in the cold winter weather